Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Soo Locks

Are you looking for a vacation spot that includes not only something fun for the kids to do, but also some history and educational aspect to it?  If so, I would suggest checking out Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Stopping at the Soo Locks.

Sault Ste. Marie is the oldest city in Michigan and the third oldest city in the United States!  The Soo Locks were built back in 1855 as a passage way for vessels to get through the Rapids of the Saint Mary's River, which has a 21 foot drop.  This is the only path that connects Lake Superior to the Lakes below, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

When at the Soo Locks, you get to watch ships, up to 1000' go through the lock system.  They will enter the lock, tie down, and then the water will either raise or lower 21' so they can go out the other side of the river at the correct level.  Kids and adults alike love to watch as the ships either "disappear" or "appear" as the water level is changing.

The Locks aren't just for big ships, any size boat can go through them.  They have boat tours that will take you from one side of the river to the other so you can experience the locks for yourself.  This is another thing that kids love to do.  I used to do catering on the dinner tours, and I loved seeing the excitement on all the kids faces every time we would go through the locks.

I have also experienced taking a little 16' boat through the locks with a friend.  We were bored one day and his parents weren't home so we decided to take his dad's boat out.  Then he got the brilliant idea of taking it through the locks.  It wasn't as cool from down in the water as it looks watching it from up above.  Bouncing around in this tiny boat, with a huge ship just a few feet away from you, it was rather scary.

There is a visitors center that has models of the locks that you can look at and see how they work.  There are maps on the walls, schedules of all the vessels coming in, what they are carrying, where they are from, etc.  They have a little theater that you can watch a movie in about the history of the locks.

During the summer, there is a "music in the park" series.  Every Wednesday there is a different live act playing in the park at the locks for the people to enjoy, and it is free.  There is one weekend during the summer that the general public is aloud to walk across the first lock and tour the building on the other side.  This is something that is really fun to do, when I lived there I would go every summer just because it was fun and an unique experience.

Finally in the middle of the park is a lighted fountain.  It is clear during the day and at night it is lighted with different colors that rotate through.  There are cement benches that match the base of the fountain that circle the fountain.  Music plays in the area.  It is rather peaceful there.  This is where I spent a lot of time in High School doing homework with my best friend.  We would pick two benches and lay facing each other working on the homework and talking through the problems.  Tourists would come and throw their pennies in and make a wish and comment on how responsible we were being with doing our homework instead of out doing other things like most teenagers.

For more information please check out this website:

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